5 Tips to Decide Which Charities to Donate To

The decision to make a donation to charity is a very noble endeavor. However, regardless of the size of your donation, a number of factors must be taken into consideration to make sure that your charitable contribution aligns with the principles, value system and passions you truly care for.


A good place to begin is to reflect back on your own life to see what were the moments that really shaped the course of your life. What were the contributions that made the biggest difference in your career. Whether it was a travel experience, or a college scholarship, or a book donation, find a way to give back in the same way that you received help once in your life. It will make sure that the experience of giving is one that is personally meaningful to you.

It’s also important to not get overly sentimental in your decision making when it comes to your charitable donations. Be wary of smart advertising campaigns that are manipulative and overly sensational. Also, avoid making impulsive decisions in the aftermath of a natural disaster or accident. It’s good to wait for a little while to let the situation fully develop, and effective charitable decisions to emerge that will make a lasting impact in the lives of those who were affected.


The best charities donate to other local charities to channel their funds in purposeful ways. When you donate locally, you can see first-hand the positive changes your donations have brought about.

Ideally, what you want is an engagement with a charity that is sustainable and for a cause that you believe in.


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